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The Remarkable Power of Continuing Child Education at Home

Education doesn’t stop at soon as the centre closes. Learning needs to keep going at home to maximise the child's wellbeing and development.  

But you might be asking – so do we have to spend more money for at home resources? Doesn’t that mean educators have to spend more time creating learning resources? The answer is NO! Here's 5 ways to continue learning at home:

1. Identify At-Home Resources

Families are not as equipped or resourceful as childcare centres, so make sure you aren't asking them to buy expensive new toys or learning items. Making use of things at home can create a more recognisable and comfortable learning environment. 

2. Provide Guidance 

Parents are not born teachers, so a little guidance will help them enjoy the experience with their child of learning at home a bit more. Make sure to put instructions on how to do a particular step clearly and give them more than just what the activity is but also why. Giving parents clarification on why this activity is important for them can also increase engagement and fun!

3. Introduce Digital Resources

It's obvious now that everyone lives in a digital world, we collect and process information from our phones or computers. Create an easy way for parents to educate their kids at home that uses their phones or computers. Lead them towards a learning pathway that doesn’t increase screen time but education time. You can even provide at-home worksheets for families that request it!  

Example printable worksheet for families 

4. Use an Easy Communication Method

Using ChildcareCRM's email templates is the best way to communicate to families about things that have more information and are more in-depth. The email templates can also include hyperlinks to other resources, images, videos or attachments to increase the level of resources and information. 

Email templates (2)

Example ChildcareCRM email template for additional resources/worksheets  

Encourage Your Families to Continue Learning at Home 

At home learning can be difficult at times, not everyone is always up to learn! Give your families some words of encouragement through ChidcareCRM's text messaging function and remind them to not give up! 

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Meet The Author

Pikka Turangan is an experienced marketer with a demonstrated history of working in the childcare industry. She is highly skilled in communications, copywriting, marketing strategy, campaign management, and event management. Pikka received her Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) with a focus in Marketing from Queensland University of Technology. She serves as the Marketing Manager for ChildcareCRM's Australian market.

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